My top 10 GBA games. (Part 1/2)

Game Boys AdvanceIt’s time to do this month’s most difficult thing. That is deciding which games go in my top 10 favorite GBA games and which ones just miss it. In the finale of my last special month I wrote about my most favorite DS games. I think I’ll keep this at a two part article and keep it at a top ten. While  I can smell the classic and cliche top 10 already being written in the comments, please keep in mind that this is my list and I put games on here that might be here for nostalgic sake. But feel free to rage at me in the comments for not having played certain games. I know. I have a huge backlog of games I still wanted and have to play. A big rule here is that I have to finish the game or came near close to it. Anyways, let’s dive right into the last 5 entries. 

#10: Brother Bear + Lion King game pack

d4_28750_0_2Gamesin1BrotherBearTheLionKin A game of a movie that’s actually good? Actually two of them? Yes, it exists. These two titles came bundled into one game for me. I was quite skeptical since I never saw the Brother Bear movie and I was such a long time since I saw the Lion King movie.

But, both games where diverse and quite fun to play. Both games where solid and fun GBA entries. I still remember how I asked my family to stop longer in shops while shopping since then I could play my gameboy and finish a level. I was that into the game.

I think I might replay it one day, so that I can write a review of it. But you can count on me, these two games are epic!

 #9: Wolfenstein 3D

0399So, as a kid I didn’t had a lot of PC-time. When I heard rumors of this game, I couldn’t believe it at first. I wasn’t allowed to play games like this on the computer, so I had to wait until the gameboy advance game was released.

At first, it went under my radar, as in I didn’t notice it was released. But as soon as I started playing, I was hooked. This port isn’t flawless, as the controls are a bit stiff and there is a lack of a map screen. But, for me it wasn’t game breaking.

I enjoyed playing the game the whole way through. I played it on nearly every difficulty. The biggest negative to me is the lack of music. While that adds to the atmosphere in it’s own right, I felt that they should have added some music.

In any case, this game makes it on my list because of nostalgia. Not because it was a very good game, it’s a mediocre port, but I liked it.

#8: Spider-Man series


This is the entry where I think I’ll get the most hate for. Who, in their right mind, puts a movie game on a top 10 best GBA titles list? Only somebody as crazy as me. So, why are the Spider-Man games on this list again?

Well, because I was kind of obsessed with Spider-Man after I saw the two movies. In the stories I wrote around that time, I included a character that resembled Spider-Man.

When I saw Spider-Man 3, honestly, I thought I was a good movie. I haven’t read the comics or watched the show or anything like that, so I didn’t know how much they killed the original story. But, that’s a discussion for another time.

When I started playing this game, I liked it. It was a good movie game. The two first movies got a game on the GBA as well and I got fun memories of those as well. Hrm, that reminds me, I might take a closer look at them in the future?

 #7: The Sims 2

The_Sims_2_GBA_box_artworkSo, do I really need to explain why this game is on my list? Maybe you could read my previous article, that was a review of this game, again?

In any case, after I finished writing the review, I played that game for a few hours again. Just because the nostalgia was taking me over.

I already talked about this game at length, so I don’t think I have to explain much about the game in this entry. If only the bike you get rode faster. That’s a minor nitpick I forgot to mention.

Also, here is a clue to how you can get money very easily. Recycling is a big part of it. Use it wisely and try to investigate how it works. I’m sure you will find it out!

#6: WarioWare – Mega Minigames


So, if you look at various other top 10 GBA lists, you don’t find this game as an entry, but you find the sequel: WarioWare Twisted. The reason why I don’t put that game on here is because I only found out about that game when I researched this game after I finished it.

This game opened the door for me to the WarioWare series. I always wanted a fun collection of mini-games with an overall story-ish thingy. Since then, I started playing every WarioWare game. I haven’t played Twisted yet. Since I haven’t found a decent copy.

I have beaten this game multiple times. My favorite mini-games are those of … Damn, I forgot his name. It’s that character with the yellow helmet, who plays retro games. 9Volt, I think? Yeah, that must be him.

The end of part 1

Anyways, to avoid having a massive long article, I think I’m going to leave it here. I hope you enjoyed reading my first 5 entries of my top 10 GBA titles.

Please keep in mind that I have to have beaten the game before I consider putting the game on my list. This is also my list, so it’s quite possible that some games that you liked aren’t going to be on here. I also played what I wanted to play. So, I tried to stay away from the overly popular titles.

Anyways, enough rambling. I hope you are excited for part 2. It will arrive soon.

Update: Here it is.

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