Review: Persona 5 Royal (PS4) ~ Changing The World

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Exclusives are a strange thing. I heard quite a lot of things about the Persona series and how it captured the hearts of so many people. Persona mainly releases on PlayStation 4. Two years ago, I decided to bite the bullet and bought myself a PlayStation 4 Pro to play Persona 5 to see what the fuzz was about. Not too long after I had beaten the game for the first time, the ports to other platforms got announced. Oh well, that’s life sometimes for you. Now, I have another platform to play games on, and I’m glad I bought my PlayStation 4 Pro. At first, it was my Persona 5 Royal machine, even when I had a lot of other games for it. Now, why did Persona 5 Royal struck such a cord with me? Is the game really that good or am I just blinding myself to not feel buyer’s regret? Or am I just overlooking the flaws in the game…? Well, in this article, I want to talk this game that almost was my game of the year last year. I hope you are ready, since here we go, let’s dive right in the world of the Phantom Thieves, while I invite you to leave a comment in the comment section down below with your thoughts and/or opinions on this game and/or the content of this article.

Changing the world

To keep spoilers to a minimum in this article, I’m going to skip over various plot details and keep some parts vague. Since, this game is best experienced as blind as possible. Then, you get the most out of the story.

The game opens in a casino where you have to escape. Our main protagonist gets caught and detained by the police. The questioning starts, and you start telling the story from the beginning.

The protagonist got transferred to Shujin Academy in Tokyo after an incident where he tried to help a woman being harassed by a man. During his probation, he stays at Café LeBlanc, which is owned by a friend of his parents. Now, it doesn’t take long before the usual Persona story elements start with the Velvet Room. A strange app also appears on our hero’s phone.

After his first few schooldays, he gets in trouble with an abusive gym teacher. After that, they discover a Palace not too far from school. This Palace is a world manifested from warped emotions. In there, they learn who that gym teacher actually is, and things go from bad to worse.

In general, most of the story follows a similar structure. The main story is divided up into chapters. Each chapter introduces new characters and a new palace. The main goal of each chapter is to conquer the Palace in time before the looming treat stops you from doing so. This can go from being sued or expelled, the stakes are always high.

In terms of writing, the game sometimes gets quite predictable. Quite often I was able to predict what was going to happen. Now, does that make the story less interesting or thrilling? Heavens no. This story’s pacing and execution is extremely well done. Let me give you a few reasons why.

For of all, the voice acting. I already loved the voice acting in Persona 5 Strikers, and I love it here. I have nothing to critique nor complain about the voice acting in this game. It really pulled me into the world of this game and took me along for the ride.

Secondly, the theme of the story is wonderful. It doesn’t shy away from sensitive subjects and explores them. The character growth in this game is really well done and made me (want to) replay the game several times to even explore all the side stories with side characters.

Thirdly, the openness of the game helps the replay value of this game so much. You have more than enough time to beat the Palace in each chapter, so you can start exploring the world of this game. Making it so that you see new side stories each and every playthrough. There is also a way to romance the female characters, which also gives bonus scenes on certain dates.

And finally, the game does take its time. I mean, this game will take you over 100 hours to beat. And that’s if you know what you are doing. There isn’t a lot of padding either in this game, since each chapter brings depth to the characters and makes you appreciate them even more. Also, spending time with all the characters can be very beneficial during your playthrough.

The only negative I can say is that the new chapter and character in the expanded Royal version of this game is over before you know it. Let’s just say that the time you get in that final chapter is extremely short, making the character growth of the new characters somewhat shallow. Which is an extreme shame since the subjects it tackles are fascinating to explore and the new characters are extremely fun to use in battle. I wish you got a bit more time to explore around and use the new characters and your new abilities. But, that’s really the only thing I can critique about the bonus chapter, the short length of it.

Decisions, decisions

Unless you are using a guide, I think it’s quite impossible to experience everything that this game has to offer in your first playthrough. There is just too much content in this game, it’s insane. Trying to explain everything or critique it all in this article would lead to an extremely long article which might be a bit overwhelming to read.

So, let’s talk about some core mechanics first. At its core, there are two main gameplay sections in this game. Inside and outside the Palaces. First off, let’s talk about the Palaces. These are the dungeons inside the game, the main goal of each chapter. Each chapter’s story builds towards a boss at the end of the Palace and tackles a certain theme like abuse, greed or being self-centered. In these dungeons, you fight shadows in a turned based fighting style.

Now, explaining the whole battle system would create a whole article in itself. There are so many ways to tackle a battle, it’s insane. Having the correct strategy for a battle is half the battle. So, in the Palaces, you can make use of your Persona. These Personas are basically your ticket to being able to use magic. Normally, each character can only use one Persona. But, the main character can use multiple. So, you have to set up your Personas and your characters up just right to tackle the challenges of each Palace.

Not only that, it’s highly recommended that you discover the weakness of your enemies, since that not only does more damage, but you can also chain extremely strong combo’s with your allies. And let me tell you, these combo’s can mean the difference between life or death. Oh, but there is more. You and your allies also have weakspots, so you need to be careful with who you choose, since guess what… The enemies can also chain attacks when hitting weakspots.

If you played this game, you know that I’m leaving out quite a lot of things from the battle system here. From ailments to even negations with the enemy. Yes, you can negotiate with the enemies for more money, items or even joining your team. Oh, there is also a mechanic where stronger enemies can take your allies hostage and make the fight even more difficult for you.

The diversity in the battle system makes it that each new playthrough of Persona 5 feels new and unique. I have played through this game 3 times already and each time, the dungeons feel fresh even when I know what to do and solve the puzzle inside the dungeon. I’m able to prepare myself better in the Velvet Room to create the best setup to tackle the Palaces even faster to see more of the side content I haven’t seen, or I enjoy quite a lot.

Now, you might think that with all these mechanics I’m touching upon, the game is quite overwhelming. But, surprisingly, it is not. The first chapter of the game is an extremely well disguised tutorial. It teaches you all the mechanics slow and steady and let you get used to the mechanics without throwing them all at once to you. While there are a lot of mechanics, all of them stay relevant during the game since depending on your actions, you make certain things easier during your Palace investigation.

So, decisions are quite important in this game. Not only in how you tackle the battles and who you level up but also outside it. Basically, this game is also a simulation. You still have to go to school and live a normal life. Meanwhile, you can explore Tokyo and deepen your bond with other characters, tackle side quests, improve your skills, play mini-games, create better Persona’s in the Velvet Room…

All of these actions are quite important. Let me give you an example. If you deepen your bond with main or side characters, you improve their Confidante rank. There are 23 characters that have their own side story and seeing them through can give you amazing advantages. Things like not having to fight enemies that are below your level, cheaper healing items, more attack styles or even random stat boots during fights.

Keeping a calendar on who is around where and what actions you can do when is important. I even had a small notebook for taking notes next to me during my playthrough. Now, in all this chaos, it’s easy to forget that there is a bonus chapter in this game. Let me tell you, there is a way to unlock that chapter, but you have to prioritize certain characters that isn’t really well hinted at. Thankfully, there are spoiler free guides for it on the internet. It is the only guide I had to use, since I wasn’t able to figure that one out.

If I just gave you the impression that this game is easy, well, think again. This game made me think and strategize quite a lot, and if you don’t upgrade the right characters, don’t have the right Persona or don’t master the core mechanics, you will make this game quite frustrating. Thankfully, if you lose during the chapter boss fight, it’s possible to rewind a few days to give you the chance to prepare differently and maybe defeat the boss then.

Gameplay wise, the depth of this game is impressive. I highly recommend that you save your game quite often and make use of those different save slots you have. Outside the Palaces and in certain area’s of the Palace you can save. There is no autosave in this game and the prompting of saving is after certain important story events. While you can’t name your save files, the save file displays quite a lot of basic information for you to learn which one is which. Or you could take notes in an Excel sheet like I did.

Something I also want to mention is that the digital manual on Atlus’s website is also extremely well done. It explains the game extremely well and gives you general tips and tricks to understand everything and why certains things can be helpful to you.

Something else I want to mention is that there even a new game plus. When you reached an ending, since yes… there are multiple endings in this game, you can restart the game. Yet, there are certain things that carry over from one playthrough to the next. This article on PushSquare explains very nicely what carries over and what not. And speaking from experience, don’t go for the good and final ending on your first run in this game. Yes, the final chapter is short but unprepared it will kick your butt. Maybe I leveled the wrong characters but I had a way easier time after I started new game plus.

Personality everywhere

This game is dripping with personality. The visual presentation of this game is something of a masterclass. It’s bold, loud and proud and uses the anime and comic book style extremely effectively.

I find it extremely impressive how they worked the personality of the characters in the visual prestation of the menu’s and the UI. Everything brings it’s own charm and just brings the game more alive.

I’m also glad that I played the Royal version of this game instead of the original. Since, the Royal version of the game brings so many improvements to the game and it improves thee game even more. I have been skimming through this amazing list on Reddit and congrats to the everyone whole helped there since this is such a nice list. And these changes add so much to the personality and style of this game.

Now, the visual presentation of this game is proud and loud and this carries over to the animations as well. In various RPG’s I play, near the end I want to skip the battle animations but in this game, I don’t want to do it. Maybe I’m too invested in the story and presentation but I feel that even near the end, the impact of the attacks still keep hitting strong and statifying. Sometimes, it’s over exaggerated, but it always fits the personality of the character and just eye candy.

The visual presentation is always consistent and runs at a stable framerate. And on top of that, the soundtrack hits the spot extremely well. The opening theme and battle theme are two of my favorites. I never thought that a battle theme with lycris while hit so hard and not get boring or repetitive. Of course, it doesn’t play during all battles but still, the tracks with and without lycris are all amazing. They all enhance the current mood of the story fit the comic book artstyle of this game like a glove. They are so good, that I sometimes tried to make my attacks sync up with the lycris or just noticed myself signing along with it.

The sound effects are also extremely well done. The sound design helps to tell the story quite a lot and helps you during gameplay to get some useful information when enemies are nearby or give you more information. Some of the sound effects are well engrained into my brain so I know what action I need to take if I encounter it.

Honestly, I have a really hard time finding flaws in this game. The controls are amazing, the menu’s are a joy to use and there is some much depth that actually changes the story progression, it’s insane that this game works with one 1 crash in my 250+ hours of gameplay and I think that might have to do with my PS4 overheating on an extremely warm day… Also, I didn’t notice any bugs or glitches during my playthrough…

Besides the short bonus story chapter, there is barely anything to critique in Persona 5 Royal. Maybe the lack of an autosave can turn some people off but I didn’t had such a big problem with it. I have played games that have longer interruptions between when you can save… Corpse Party BloodDrive and Book Of Shadows, I’m looking at you. Maybe the predictable story can be a turn off for some, but personally, I didn’t mind that. Since, the way the story is paced, the writing, character development and the voice acting add so much personality.

I can understand that with the short additional story, players who first played the original and then the Royal version might feel cheated and might feel that this upgraded version is cheap and a cash grab. That’s a totally fair critism to make. Yet, I feel that it doesn’t make the whole game bad. It’s still the amazingly well crafted Persona 5 at its core.

Something I personally found a bit undercooked was the Thieves Den. Besides playing the addictive card game with the main characters you unlocked, I feel that besides a glorified showcase of your achievements, a sound box and a gallery… It just feels like bonus stuff from a collectors edition in a nice jacket. It’s not bad, but in my now 4th playthrough I rarely visit it. Besides being able to play cards with the main cast, I felt I had no real reason to go there. Maybe if it had a bit more gameplay like being able to play all mini games outside the story or more card games, that would have been amazing. The basic idea is there and it’s an amazing way to rewatch all the cutscenes or listen to the music in game instead of it being in a menu… But, it feels lacking in some area’s.

Now, when I look online to other reviews, a lot of people who didn’t like Persona 5 compare it to previous entries in the series. Currently, I’m also playing through the other Persona games and I enjoy them quite a lot as well. While I can see the argument about the theme of Persona 5 not clicking well if you first played Persona 3 or 4, but I just see it as a new world/setting with the Persona mechanics. A totally new take on formula and setting.

I actually talked about my biggest gripe with the game earlier. I personally highly disliked the way to unlock the bonus chapter in this game. It should have been better hinted at since if you start on it too late, you lock yourself out from it. So, if you want to go for the 3rd semester, please read a guide on how to do it… It isn’t difficult but you’ll need to make time for it.

And that’s everything I want to say about this game for now. I left a lot of gameplay mechanics out for you to discover if you are interested in this game. But, I gave you a general idea on this game and I think it’s high time to go to the conclusion of this review.


+Excellent story

+Addictive gameplay with loads of depth

+Extremely replayable

+Very diverse gameplay in each dungeon

+Top notch visual presentation and art style

+Amazing soundtrack


-Thieves den is a little bit undercooked.

-The bonus chapter of Royal could have been handled better. (Too short, not enough time for the character development like in the main story)

-The way how you unlock the addtional chapter is too hidden.

Oh boy, Persona 5 Royal. Last yeaer I had a very difficult time deciding if you or Desperados III would take the crown as my favorite game I started in 2022. One of my main reasons why I wanted to buy a PlayStation 4 was because I wanted to experience Persona 5. From those who played it, I heard so many great things and I can honestly see why now. In 2022, I had a hard time not playing this game, since I wanted to review other games on my blog as well… But, I have spened so much time on it.

It won’t surprise me that I’ll play through this game every so often like I play through my childhood favorite Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. Personally, I can highly recommend this game to everybody who enjoys playing JRPGs or turnbased RPGs. This game is one of the best games I have played in recent times.

I mean, all the cosmetic DLC is now free on PS4 ever since the release of the ports to the other systems. While I played it on the PlayStation 4, I looked at the review on other platforms and it’s doing amazing.

I didn’t want to finish this game, since I didn’t want the ride to end. It’s rare that I feel as strong for a game. I remember that for games like Zero Escape or Nightmare Reaper. This game and its world really pulls you into an amazing adventure that really pulls on your heartstrings sometimes and doesn’t let go. I played this game from start to finish 3 times now and I’m thinking to play through it again for a 4th time during my fall break in a few months.

Thank you Atlus for creating this amazing title and I’m so happy that I experienced it. I had quite the hard time in writing this article, since I honestly didn’t know how tackle it since there is so much to talk about. It’s mindblowning how much and how much deepth this game has with barely anything feeling shallow. If you play this game, do like the loading screen says. Take your time, enjoy the game and relax.

With that said, I have said everything I wanted to say about this game for now. I want to thank you so much for reading this article eand I hope you enejoyeed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope to be able to welcome you in another article but until then, have a great rest of your day and take care.

Score: 100/100

3 thoughts on “Review: Persona 5 Royal (PS4) ~ Changing The World

  1. I started playing Persona 5 Royal earlier this year because of how much our mutual friend Pix1001 at Shoot the Rookie likes it and, I have to say, it’s easily become one of my favourite games.

    The story is so much deeper than I expected from a JRPG, touching upon serious themes and mature topics but still in a fun way that’s integrated well with the level design and progression structure. But mostly it’s the characters I love; Joker is more fleshed-out than I thought a (mostly) silent protagonist would be and Ryuji is by far the one video game character I’d want to be friends with in real life. I still haven’t completed my first playthrough of the story and, unfortunately, I have been neglecting the game recently. But now that even you’ve written about it, I’ll have to get back on that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The game is so much worth it. The charm it has, it is just amazing. The replay value is also through the roof, even for such a story heavy JRPG. Enjoy your time with it my man. Really curious what you think about it after you finished it’

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You really hit upon how there are so many reasons to love the game that there just isn’t the time to explain it all. I could talk about Persona 5 Royal for two hours and still have only scratched the surface. I’m only 27 hours into it and I’m still barely a quarter of the way through. There’s just so much. One day I will finish it. That may not happen soon but I also don’t care. I don’t feel overwhelmed by how much stuff there is. The more I play the more of it I want to play. Maybe after 100 hours I’ll be ready for it to be over but right now, I’m just enjoying the ride. And then, when I’ve finally completed the entire thing, I’ll be able to talk about it. What form that will take, I don’t know. But there’s no way I can’t chew somebody’s ear off over just how awesome this game really really is.

        Liked by 1 person

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