My Favorite Gaming Music #21 – Time for a REMIX.

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There are two reasons why I wanted to talk about my favorite music in video games today. One, I didn’t have a lot of time to play a new game to review on my blog. Two, it has been too long since I wrote an entry in this series. So, that’s why I’m doing one of these again. Normally, the rules are that I’m only allowed to talk about original tracks from the games and only one track per franchise. This time, it’s different. One track per franchise remains, but now, it’s a remixed version of the track. So, I hope you are ready for some amazing music since here we go!

Hyrule Lemon – Essence of Lime (Remix: The Legend of Zelda – Oracle of Ages Intro & Title)


In my Creative Christmas series, I have mentioned the Essence of Lime & Lime of Seasons albums. I seriously can’t get enough of these tracks.

When I found this album and heard the first track and heard that they added various sound effects from the games, I was sold right away.

For those who don’t know, this whole album is created by Hyrule Lemon and a team of various artists to remix the soundtrack of the amazing Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Seriously, this music is so well made! I hope the remix other soundtracks as well since the talent behind this album is just amazing. They made an album using the music I’m so nostalgic about. Thank you for these guys and girls! Thanks.

Pascal Michael Stiefel x OC Remix (VGR) – A Hat In Time Main Theme (Remix: A Hat In Time Main Theme)


This album just came out a few days ago. And it’s amazing. OC Remix is an amazing website where various artists come together to show off their remixes of video game music.

Indie dev team Gears for Breakfast teamed up with them to create a new album called “B-Side Soundtrack”. And, it’s amazing.

Now, I recently gave A Hat In Time a perfect score. I even said it was my favorite game of 2017. Now, when this track pulled my emotional string right around the 1:20 mark, it just blew me away and I bought this soundtrack on Steam. This soundtrack is only 5€ for 85 amazing music tracks. Again, only FIVE euro! That’s a steal! Seriously, if you enjoy this one, go and buy it on Steam.

Dunderpatrullen – Mega Man (Remix: Mega Man 2 Dr. Wily’s Castle)


Now, I have never really played Megaman 2 so I don’t know the soundtrack that much. I still do recognize Megaman tunes here and there.

Why am I telling you this? Well, when I discovered Dunderpatrullen, I was looking around for more music that they created and I found this track they preformed live on a DreamHack event.

If you never heard about Dunderpatrullen and you enjoy chiptune, electronic music; please fix that. Give their music a try. Let me throw in as a bonus this video game medley to enjoy. While I know I mentioned this in one of my Creative Christmas articles, I still wanted to give the spotlight to these artists since I think they are amazing and I really hope they create some new music in the near future!

The GAG Quartet – 8-bit Anthem Medley (Remix: various ones)


Something I have a real soft spot for is medleys and nostalgia. This is one that combines both.

I think that a lot of my fellow bloggers will enjoy this track, since you have Mega Man, Pokémon, Monkey Island, Zelda amongst various others.

The visuals in this video made my nostalgia go in overload. It’s very well made and this was actually the track that made me subscribe to their stuff. I simply can’t wait to see more music created by these guys. Also, if you are interested, they also created a medley with various internet memes from the past couple of years. So, give that a listen if you are interested.

Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion Song (1000 Doors)- The Living Tombstone -feat. BSlick & Crusher-P

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I have no clue why I bought this game. I hate jump scares in horror games. Yet, I enjoy playing this game. It’s very well put together and it’s pretty challenging.

Now, The Living Tombstone, some remixes from this artist I dislike and others I really like. This is one I really like. Maybe, the fact that Crusher-P helped with this track since I like his stuff as well. On the other hand, I really like the Living Tombstone’s original track “Cut the Cord“.

So, talking about the game; I still have to play a bit more before I can actually review the game. Maybe this Halloween if no other game distracts me? If you would ask me, really give Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion a chance, it’s an enjoyable game and I can’t recommend it enough to horror fans who want a “light” horror experience.

Final words

So, that’s everything for today. If you guys & girls ever find an amazing remixed track of a game you enjoyed playing, don’t hesitate to leave it in the comments.

I’m really curious to hear your opinion on the tracks I chose to feature in this article. Do you hear about them or are these the first time you heard about them? In any case, I hope you enjoyed listing to them and maybe discovered some new artists.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope to be able to welcome you in another article but until then, have a great rest of your day and take care!

Game Quicky: The Legend of the Dark Witch (3DS) ~ Also on PS Vita!

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A little while ago, I posted about this game coming to the PS Vita. Now, I played this game on the 3DS. So, now that the game is released on both the 3DS and the PS Vita, it’s time to take a look at the game. Is it worth a purchase or is it should you avoid this game? Let me give you my opinion. And as usual, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section down below with your opinion on the article and/or the game. 

The good


The soundtrack of this game is quite good. There isn’t any music track that I didn’t like in this game. If the developers would sell a CD with the soundtrack on it, I’m quite sure I’ll buy it.

Visually, this game has quite a lot of charm. Every world you visit has a certain theme and is decorated quite nice. The game is in my eyes, eye-candy.

This game has a lot of replay value. This is because you can choose the order to tackle the stages. There are 8 stages which you have to beat twice to beat a certain stage. Also, each stage has two hidden power-ups. So, you have a reason to go through each stage more then once.

Each stage is themed. And like I said earlier, the visuals are pretty nice in this game.

The controls of this game are tight and responsive. I rarely had any problems that I could blame on bad controls. The game isn’t the easiest of games, but all my deaths were my fault.

You can power up your character with points (called Tres) you earn during the stages. Something I really love is that you don’t loose your points when you die in the stages. This gives the impression of character growth.

You can downgrade the difficulty once. You can’t go back to the normal difficulty when you are on the easy difficulty. So, if the game is too hard, you can go from the normal difficulty to the easy one.

This game is extremely cheap. It was 3€ when I bought it, and you get your monies worth!

There is a challenge mode in the game. In this challenge mode you get a challenge like “Defeat boss X without taking damage.” So, more replay value for you!

You have infinite continues in this game. So, when you get a game over, the worst that happens is that you need to restart that stage. You don’t loose any Tes nor any overall progress. That’s a big plus in my book.

The in-between (not good but not bad)

darkwitch.jpgIt’s quite clear that this game is inspired by games like Megaman on the NES. And the difficulty shows that. On the hardest difficulty, I died so many times to very cheap enemy placement. Yet, when I started to memorize the level, I was able to avoid the enemies.

Something they also implemented in this game from the Megaman games are the knock backs when you get hit. Believe me, when you die on the same spot several times because you get knocked back into a bottomless pit, it’s annoying beyond believe.

The title screen isn’t a mixed bag in my eyes. The title card is very pretty but the bottom touch screen only shows “version 2.0” and it totally black. That’s a shame, since that’s a lot of unused space.

The bad


There is voice acting in the game, and it’s done pretty good. Yet, it’s all in Japanese and there is no translation. I wish there was either a dub or English subs.

Due to the lack of an intro cutscene explaining the basic story, I find myself skipping the dialogue when a boss battle starts. It’s a shame, since what I have read so far, the story looks interesting.

In normal difficulty, health pick ups are so rare to non existent, it’s a shame. I played this game on the easy difficulty, and the health pickups do exist.

If you pick this game up, I advise you to read the in game manual before you start playing.


This game is a very good game. If you have a bit of money to spare on the 3DS eShop or on the PS Vita, go and buy this game.

When you enjoy old-school Megaman games and want a new challenge, this game is one for you. While the game is quite a lot of fun, it can be very irritating sometimes. This game lacks some polish in the enemy placement but overall, you get more then your monies worth.

The negatives of this game can be game breaking for some people. But, for each negative, there is a positive.

I haven’t finished this game yet, but I’m enjoying myself so far. This game is perfect to play while waiting for the doctor or while I’m on the train to work. If I have to give the game a score now, I would give the game a 3/5.

In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing this one. I hope to be able to welcome you in another article on my blog but until then, take care and have a great rest of your day!